Civic Exchange Newsletter 2010.06

CIVIC EXCHANGE NEWSLETTER 2010.07-08 (double issue)
Breaking News
New Publication - Treating the Symptoms: A Critical Review of Urban Renewal In Hong Kong
Civic Exchange has recently launched a study, titled Treating the Symptoms: A Critical Review of Urban Renewal In Hong Kong which is a critical analysis of Hong Kong's urban renewal policies since 2000, with Hong Kong's Urban Renewal Authority (URA) as the main focus but not the only one. The effects of urban renewal on Hong Kong's built environment have also been examined. This report is based on three types of research: archvial research, interviews and photographic documentation.
Click here to download the full report. (English only)
Revamped Website and New Facebook Page
Civic Exchange has recently revamped our website in order to bring you new features as well as a new Facebook Page for you to better interact with us.
Become our fans on Facebook and receive timely updates and exciting news about Civic Exchange.

Upcoming Event
Briefing on Nuclear Power and Hong Kong
6 October, 2010
Claim the date - Civic Exchange will be organizing a briefing session on 6 October 2010 about nuclear power in Hong Kong.
More details will be released end of this month. Stay tuned!
Event Highlights
In case you missed our events, check out our event reports for highlights.
Green Harbours II
17 June, 2010
A highly targeted workshop was organized by Civic Exchange to explore the possibility of developing partnerships between environmentally-responsible shipping lines, ports and manufacturers with the aim of reducing marine air pollution and its associated public health impacts in the Pearl River Delta. The workshop outlined the current knowledge on the public health impacts, regulation of marine emissions worldwide, and approaches for voluntary collaboration to reduce emissions in the Pearl River Delta.
Click here to visit the event page to download event report and speakers' presentations.
Civic Exchange's 13th Energy Forum: Why is Effective Action on Global Climate Change so Hard?
3 May, 2010
Civic Exchange hosted an Energy Forum on Why is Effective Action on Global Climate Change so Hard? The forum addressed the underlying difficulties behind reaching an agreement, and the development of new approaches and new solutions. The keynote speaker was Jay Hakes. He provided the insight into national deliberations in the United States, and Andrew Lawson (Civic Exchange), Dr Jeanne Ng (CLP Holdings Ltd) and Dr John Burnett (FAC Group) outlined three different approaches to achieving meaningful emissions reductions.
Click here to visit the event page to download event report and speakers' presentations.
Submission to LegCo
Framewok Agreement on Hong Kong/ Guangdong Co-operation: Environment Protection and Ecology Conservation
4 August, 2010
Civic Exchange recently submitted a paper to Legistive Council Panel on Environmental Affairs regarding Framework Agreement on Hong Kong/Guangdong Co-operation: Environment Protection and Ecology Conservation. The paper addressed measures to tackle cross-border air pollution, and touched briefly on cross-border nature conservation initiatives.
Click here to download the submission. (English)
Response to Environment Bureau/ Environment Protection Department Proposal Document: A Proposal to Control Emissions of Non-road Mobile Sources
5 July, 2010
A paper was submitted by Civic Exchange in response to A Proposal to Control Emission of Non-road Mobile Sources released by the Environmental Protection Department. It stated that 13, 500 units of non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) generated 7% of nitrogen oxide (NOx) and 10% of respirable suspended particulates (RSP) emissions in Hong Kong.
Click here to download the submission. (English)

Newspaper Columns
South China Morning Post
Hong Kong Economic Times
- 3 August, 2010 - Cycling in low carbon city
- 21 July, 2010 - COP16
- 6 July, 2010 - Monitoring Air Platform (MAP)
Please visit the Hong Kong Economic Times website to read the articles. (Chinese only)


Civic Exchange is a company with limited liability and a Registered Charity in Hong Kong.